brand archetype
What It Is, How To Find It & How To Use It
Business doesn't have to equal boring and professional doesn't have to equal phony. If you want to work with clients who you can be yourself with, so you don't have to remember what face to paint on each day, you have to BE YOURSELF before they hire you!
Brand archetypes aren’t about manufacturing a likable persona, they’re about understanding exactly how your character, quirks, habits, and beliefs make you 10x’s more qualified to help your dream clients than everyone else who does what you do.
They're what's going to get you thinking about your business through the lens of the specific humans it's here for - you and your dream clients - so you don't get distracted by tools, tactics, and toxic shit that's no good for you.
written by: DRE BELTRAMI
reading time: 6 minutes
Brand archetypes are psychological cheat codes you can use to figure out who you are when you shed all the have-to-be's, can't-be-done's, and try-to-be-more-like’s that "the internet" has piled on you. If you don’t know what brand archetype you are yet, I double-dog-dare you to take my Brand Archetype DNA Test to find out which of the twelve archetypes you were born to business like.
The accuracy of my brand archetype quiz has been known to cause long-term AHA’s, OMG’s, and HOLY SHIT’s… or so I’ve been told, so consider yourself warned!
I’ve always thought of a brand archetype like a entrepreneurial Swiss Army Knife© that every company of one (or a few) needs, because…
It’ll help you communicate your unique state of mind (which is made up of your personality + belief system), so your dream clients can see that you’re 10x’s more qualified to help them than everyone else who does what you do.
It’ll give you the unfair advantage of knowing the psychological sweet spots and emotional land mines that your dream clients filter the world through, so you can show up in ways that blow their mind, renew their hope, and earn their business in record time.
It’ll simplify every decision you need to make from here on out, so you never have to get waist-deep into something before you realize it's the wrong fit. It’ll help you navigate the right path at each intersection you're faced with so you can confidently make choices without habitually second guessing yourself. #nothanks
Talk about a multi-tool, brand archetypes are like a 16-in-1. They’re a psychological utility knife that’s going to be invaluable in almost every single decision you’re going to need to make in your business.
They take the guesswork out of making decisions!
Every single day, you have all kinds of (what feel like) subjective decisions to make, especially when you're just getting started.
- Who's your perfect customer?
- What's your mission?
- How should you position yourself in your market?
- What type of logo would work best for you?
- What colors should you use?
- Do you need a community, if so, what do you call it?
- Do you create a course or offer a service?
- How should you market yourself?
- What do you offer as a freebie?
- What do you say in your welcome sequence?
- And on and on the list goes.
Right now, by NO fault of your own, you're making those decisions based on best guesses.
Here's the big, saggy problem with that.
You have to make a LOT of best guesses before you can even begin to tell if any of your choices are the right ones. That's why so many solopreneurs and freelancers burn out before they ever blow up - they don’t realize they’re on the wrong track until they’re too deep to stomach starting over.
Your brand archetypes are going to help you make well-informed + extremely educated decisions based on personalized intel - that's backed by buyer psychology and human behavior - so you can get in front of your dreams clients in a fraction of the time it would take if you guess your way through the “boxes provided”.
It’s all about understanding the lens you see the world through and how that translates into the right people, purpose, and positioning for your brand.
Archetypes were actually developed by a psychologist by the name of Carl Jung in the early 1900s, but they were popularized as a branding tool in 2001 by Margaret Mark and Carol S. Pearson in their book “The Hero and the Outlaw”.
Carl Jung recognized that there were universal, unconscious, unlearned, and hereditary patterns (at the psyche level) that have existed in humankind for centuries - patterns that transcend culture, generation, and geographic location.
He took those patterns and developed them into twelve personas (a.k.a archetypes), which represent how differently we present ourselves to the world based on our inherent instincts.
In no particular order, the twelve main brand archetypes are…
Tremor of Excitement
RunNING Through Your Body?
If so, you're probably coming under the spell of these cheat codes because I've already used at least 5 of them so far on this page and you probably didn’t even notice. That’s how these bad boys work - invisibly!
While each of the twelve brand archetypes are very different there is one thing that unites some of the archetypes with each other - their driving force.



These brand archetypes are driven by order.
They're driven by a desire to provide structure to the world, especially their world. They want to bring chaos into order so they can create a stable, secure world around them.
These are the type of people who you'll find fighting to restore control back to its intended position.



These brand archetypes are driven by community.
They're driven by a desire to be around people who understand them because they want to build genuine emotional connections. They want to enjoy whatever it is they're doing, which is a big part of why it's so important to them to be surrounded by like-minds.
These are the type of people who are very good at finding commonalities with people, which is why they're often the"connectors" in a situation - they instinctively know how to bring people together.



These brand archetypes are driven by mastery.
They're driven by a desire to leave a mark on the world because being known for something that matters and leaving a legacy they're proud of are both extremely important. They're all about improvement, whether that's improving themselves or the things and people around them.
These are the type of people who rise to the challenge and do the work that most aren't willing to do in any given situation.



These brand archetypes are driven by freedom.
They're driven by a desire to always be learning and experiencing new things. They want to live in whatever utopia that they designed for themselves so they can write their own destiny and be the king or queen of their own kingdom.
These are people who you can always count on for a great story and/or an unforgettable adventure. You know when you do something with them you're going to have a great time and walk away with a lasting memory.
Your brand archetypes might fit into the same category or they might be in different ones. No one combination is better or easier than the other, it's all totally unique to YOU.
As you're deciding which brand archetype you want to lead with, use the above infographic to see which of your top two archetypes aligns with the specific driving force that's motivating you as an entrepreneur.
It's ok if you don't yet know (or realize) what your ultimate driving force is yet. It might be an unconscious thing right now, which is exactly why understanding the intricacies of your archetypes is so important.
For instance, let's say you're a Sage + Entertainer mashup and you're not sure which one should be your primary brand archetype. Lean into the driving forces to see which one fits what you're trying to accomplish.
Is your goal community? Do you want to bring people together? Are you all about connecting?
OR, are you more aligned with the freedom side of things? Are you trying to create freedom within your lifestyle, or maybe it's some type of freedom for your audience?
You really want to put some thought into this.
In addition to your own desires, think about what your dream clients are hankering for as well. They might share similarities + circumstances with you but that doesn't (necessarily) mean they're driven by the same foundational desire as you.
This small but mighty detail can sometimes be the biggest factor in attracting the kind of customers who are so down with you they feel like kindred spirits.
HELL YEAH! In fact, I think you should have two. Buuuuut, you have to understand exactly how + when each one shows up for you.
The way most people teach brand archetypes they end up feeling like another claustrophobic box that someone is trying to shove you in. However, I don't "do" boxes and I sure AF don't want to jam you inside another one, even if it was bedazzled with your brand name and dipped in solid gold.
I prefer to teach my clients + customers how lean into the psychological duality that makes them the complex creatures they are so they can look, sound, and feel like the breath of fresh air their dream clients have been looking for.
Once you know your top two brand archetypes and you’ve taken the time to pour over the Personality Dossier I sent you (if you haven’t taken my Brand Archetype DNA Test, start there!), it’s time decide which archetype will be the dominant shade of your brand’s personality and which will be the secondary.
Think of it like stacking the shades of your personality to create your own custom color.
Let me pull back the wine-stained curtains and I’ll show you what this looks like for me and The Solopreneur Society, so you can see a real world example of this brand archetype stacking.
I've got THREE brand archetypes - a dominant, secondary, and a tertiary, or a "splash" as I call it.
You probably only have two, which is the case for most brands.
I don't want you to define a third brand archetype for the sake of having one, but I do want you to have the permission to go there if that's what's right for you!
I have a third brand archetype (ONLY) because I know exactly how it shows up in my brand.
❤️ Primary Brand Archetype ❤️:
I've got the heart of an Outlaw.
I don't conform to most norms and I've always had problems with authority. I know I can be very polarizing in the ways I say things and the beliefs I have, and I don’t apologize for it. I'm real comfortable breaking the rules... because I don't believe most shit is actually a rule.
👄 Secondary Brand Archetype 👄:
I’ve got the mouth of an Entertainer.
I'm fluent in sarcasm and always happy to say or point out something “inappropriate” to lighten the mood. I'm also willing to do just about anything to make someone laugh, even if it's at my expense. What can I say, I'm a belly laugh junkie! I think laughter is and will always be the best damn medicine. Laughter is hands down my love language!
🧩 Tertiary Archetype (or my “splash”) 🧩:
I’ve got the soul of a Girl Next Door.
I'm a fierce champion of the average Joe + Jane's like me. From the working class, arguably "unqualified", soccer mom with a belly full of burning ambition and drive. to the blue-collar guy working his ass off day in and day out who just wants to live the American fucking dream he's been fed his whole life.
I live to help the kind of entrepreneurs who put their jeans and yoga pants on one unshaven leg at time. The people who are sitting in their makeshift offices, working their entrepreneurial asses off, with more debt than degrees to their name, who won't give up. Those people are my jam! Those people are who I identify with most. And that's my GND side. I could never leave that side out of my brand, it’s too critical to understanding me.
First, you need to understand the ways you personify each of your brand archetypes.
Take business out of the equation… for a bit… so you can focus on understanding what it actually means to “be yourself” online and how that translates into the right purpose, people, and positioning for your specific brand.
Then, start jotting down ways that each of your archetypes shows up in your personality. Not from a business standpoint, but in terms of your everyday life and how you present yourself to your friends, peers, and loved ones.
Remember, you’re taking only what’s yours from each brand archetype and stacking those together so they look, sound, act, feel, and behave like YOU.
If you still aren’t sure what brand archetypes you are, I just so happen to have a battle-tested Brand Archetype DNA Test that’ll tell you exactly what your top two archetypes are - and you’ll get a whole Brand Dossier that explains all the ooey-gooey mechanics of your values, needs, tendencies, and beliefs as a well-paid expert.
If you’re ready for a personalized path for turning your personality, passions, and profitability goals into a business that feels more like a 2 for 1 happy hour…
SO YOU CAN BUILD THE relevant, lovable, and lucrative “company of one” that's right for you + your dreams clients...
(say Hellooo! to the sign you've been looking for)

The only “company of one” branding bar on the internet that takes you decision-by-decision through the process of turning your
passion, personality, and profitability goals into reliable income that makes a difference for you and your family every month.
You're not like everyone else... now it's time to capitalize on that! There’s no one to model. No one to emulate. It’s your mind, mouth, and methods that are going to get you where you're trying to go.