6 ways to repurpose
List Type Blog Posts
List type articles and blog posts are all the rage right now. Why? Well, they’re quick to consume, easy to process and they’re one of the most viral types of content on the innerwebs these days. Who doesn’t love a list, right? BUT, the coolest part of list type blog posts is the endless ways you can repurpose them! For those of you that haven’t heard the term ‘repurpose’ or aren’t quite sure what it means, it’s simply: adapting for use in a different modality.
So when we talk about how to repurpose list type posts, we are talking about taking existing list structured content and adapting it into different modalities so you can leverage different platforms and reach folks that prefer these different ways of consuming info.
The truth is: Some folks prefer infographics, some favor videos and others gravitate towards checklists and downloadables they can take on the go.
Ignoring this is going to leave TONS of brand building boom juice left untapped, which is certifiably cray cray!
Instead of that madness, repurpose list type posts into the following 6 types of shareable content. This will not only ensure you’re squeezing every ounce of value out of your content, but it will also increase your brand growth by helping you reach more of your peeps.
Can I get a… HELL YEAH?!
option no. 1
Take each item in your list and create separate images for them. Then share them as nuggets of awesome across social media platforms and with your community and list.
You could even take each tip, expand on it, and create a Twitter chat, Persicope series or a Blab discussion around it.
It’s really skies the limit here, so use your imagination!
Think about the 1-2 social platforms you’re focused on at the moment and how you can use each item on your list to create more engagement and discussion with your peeps on those platforms.
Bonus tip: Create an image template for your tip images, so you can quickly turn your past and future lists into shareable images in a snap, crackle, pop. In fact, create a template for each type of repurposed content I tackle in this post so you aren’t recreating the wheel every time. The easier you make this on yourself the more likely you’ll be to DO IT! You dig me?

option no. 2
Unless you’ve been running your biz in the bathroom at your local gas station you’ve seen the viral nature of infographics. Especially on Pinterest! Us pinheads eat that shit up like hot cakes!
One of the most shareable ways to repurpose your list type posts is to turn them into an infographic.
It will not only breathe new life into your post, but it will also create another visual you can use to share your article on social media. You can even generate an embed code and include that in your post, which will help your peeps be able to easily feature and share your infographic in their posts and on their social profiles. Link back lovin, baby!

option no. 3
Slideshare is a tragically under utilized platform. Especially considering how insanely easy it is to use.
And list type posts are no exception.
Take your list and turn it into a quick & dirty slide show using PowerPoint or Keynote. Create a separate slide for each item in the list, produce it out as a pdf and VOILA…you’ve got yourself another shareable piece of content.
Upload that bad boy to Slideshare, grab the embed code and paste it in your blog post. Just another way your reader’s can share your list-licious content. Oh yayyer!
option no. 4
What do I mean by ‘framework’?
Well, it’s similar to a infographic in that it lists all of the items, BUT it’s different in the way that it presents it as an instructional guide.
In the example below, my framework graphic lists the 6 ways to repurpose a list post…and in what order. Follow this framework and you’ve got yourself a new boatload of shareable content.
See what I just did there? BAM!
Bonus tip: I created the image below using Smart Art in PowerPoint…which hint, hint…is one of the easiest ways to turn your list posts into a really cool multi-color branded visual aid.

option no. 5
Hold on to your seat badass, we’re about to tackle the dreaded v-word…Video!
Look, these days there’s no legit reason to avoid creating video. If you have fears about being on camera or if you have a face for radio turn to good ole screencast videos.
You can use PowerPoint or Keynote to turn the slides from your Slideshare into a video by narrating each slide and saving the file out as a video.
Why would you repurpose your list type posts into a video? Simple…
Because YouTube, Vimeo, Periscope, Blab, Meerkat, and the list goes on, are where our online world is heading. The sooner you embrace that the further you’re going to be able to grow your brand.
Plus, why wouldn’t you when it’s so damn easy? When you already have slides for your list for Slideshare how does it NOT make sense to add a little audio and turn it into a video?
The bottom line, this is an epic technique to start growing your brand via any of the video social platforms I mentioned above. Don’t believe me? Prove me wrong, I dare ya!

option no. 6
I don’t know about you but I’m certifiably coo coo for cocoa puffs when it comes to checklists! There’s just something so damn gratifying about checking shit off a list {another one of my obsessions} and watching your ‘crushing it’ status propel.
And I’m not the only one. There’s a lot of us checklist lovers out there, which makes repurposing your list type posts into downloadable checklists a no-brainer.
BUT, if that’s not reason enough there’s always the list building potential. How so?
Turn your list into a downloadable resource {like a checklist or cheat sheet} and offer it gated by an opt-in.
Meaning, people can exchange their name & email for your downloadable.
This is the exact technique I’ve used to build my list so consistently over the last year, so trust me when I tell you it’s a MUST in your repurposing arsenal.
Do NOT underestimate the appeal of a checklist or cheat sheet….there’s no denying peeps la la loooooove consuming snackable content on the go! Ride that fact to the brand building bank, yo!

Now that you have 6 new ways to repurpose your list type posts over and over again I hope you can see how invaluable repurposing is AND how much it can help you squeeze every last drop of awesome sauce out of your content creation efforts.
Blog posts are not and never should be a one and done thang!
Instead of ONE piece of content why not have upwards of 10-15+ {from EACH list} that you can use in endless ways. Remember, it’s skies the limit when it comes to repurposing, so let your creativity {and this list} guide your way!
That, my badass, is how to get maximum exposure out of your list type posts, not to mention your content in general. True story!
one more thing before you go...

say hello to your
BRANDING bug out bag
Your very own branding survival kit, fully stocked with everything you need to create a handcrafted brand identity that's as original as a fingerprint and addictive as a two for one happy hour, so you have peace of mind knowing that the only buzz you're creating is the kind that's contagious.