What has the click-wattage of a nuclear power plant without any of the radiation poisoning?
Two words.
Interactive Quizzes.
They work across cultures, generations, genders, and industries. They’re bite-sized, totally harmless nuggets of entertainment crack cocaine. We can’t get enough of them… whiiiiich makes them an absolutely perfect tool for building a list of leads that are hot like fire. 🔥
I created one for our Brand Personality DNA Test about a year ago and it’s been a nice lil’ automated lead generation workhorse ever since – it generates, on average, around 35 new leads a week. It also gives us priceless, honest, intel about our audience – who they are, how they think, what they give the most fucks about.
I don’t think there’s one not-so-glamourous thing I can say about my experience with quizzes. Even the setup, upkeep, analytics, and website integration has been a snap, crackle, pop but that’s probably because I chose a top-shelf quiz builder, Interact.
The love notes we get and the analytics we’re seeing is proof enough for us and probably you, which is why I wanted to rip open our kimono and show you exactly how we took our quiz from a half-baked idea to a well-oiled list building machine.
Buckle up buttercup, we’re about to get you quizzed up!
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Coming up with the topic for your quiz
What’s the plan. Phil?!
(Bonus kindred-spirit points if you can name that tv show!)
Oddly enough, the easiest way to come up with a topic for your your quiz is to nail down your ultimate goal for creating it because that’ll decide many things to follow, including the style you’ll choose and the questions you’ll include.
So, what’s your business-focused goal?
I’ll give you a hint. It’s going to sizzle down to one of two things.
Goal no. 1: Segmentation
To be able to identify which category someone falls into so you can customize your content to serve their needs.
For instance, let’s say you have a small business finance course that teaches people how to manage your money based on what money mindset they are, your goal is segmentation.
Let’s say you teach married couples how to have loving marriages based on understanding their partner’s love language, your goal is segmentation.
If you want to be able to figuratively staple a non-judgmental label on people as they saunter on to your list, your goal is to segment – to identify them as belonging to one type, level, or personality.
Goal no. 2: Assessment
To be able to pinpoint what option is right for someone so you can customize your offering based on their diagnosis.
For instance, let’s say you have a fragrance line that’s designed to be mixed-n-matched based on the desired mood your customer is going for at that moment, your goal is assessment.
Let’s say you have a large product suite that serves a vast range of expertise levels and you want to be able to put the product that best meets that person where they are, your goal is assessment – to recommend the most relevant offer based on the diagnosis.
If you want to be able to put the right product in front of the right people, based on where they are in their journey, assessment is your goal – to figure out where they are so you can meet them there.
Once you know whether your ultimate goal is assessment or segmentation, then you need to understand what product(s) and/or services you want to lead people to.
Let’s use the examples I used earlier.
Goal: Segment (wants to identify which money mindset they are)
Product: small business finance course that teaches people how to manage their money in ways that are natural and sustaining for them.
In this situation, they want to assign a personality type so they can offer different components within their course to create a customized experience for each student based on their personality.
Possible quiz topics might be:
👉🏽 What type of small business CFO are you?
👉🏽 Do you know your income personality?
👉🏽 What money rituals are best for your business?
Let’s pair this same example with another one from above and I’ll show you how that would change your approach.
Goal: Assessment (wants to find the right product or service for leads)
Product Suite: DIY budgeting bundle + small business finance course + 6-month 1:1 coaching program + monthly training membership)
In this situation, they want to diagnose where people are in their businesses so they can put the right offer in front of them.
Possible quiz topics could be:
👉🏽 How healthy is your money game?
👉🏽How much do you know about your business’ dollars and cents?
👉🏽 Where does your money mindset need repairs?
👉🏽What’s your small business CFO score?
Any questions? Hit Andy or I up in The Solopreneur Society support lounge and we’ll happily talk things through with ya.
Defining the results you’ll include
Once you have your topic nailed down, it’s time to plot out the results you’re going to include in your quiz.
I’d suggest anywhere from 3 -5 results… although I’ll admit that our Brand Personality DNA Test has 12 but that’s how many brand archetypes there are and those were my results.
You want your results to be:
Catchy or Recognizable
If these are categories you’ve created in your branded system you want to come up with original names. If your results are recognizable (like brand archetypes) than you’ll use the established name.
It should give the test taker a tangible take away, something they can use to get them closer to the goal they’re chasing.
Product Relevant
Lastly, it should be something that ties to what you’re selling so the journey from their result to your solution is natural and affirming.
Next, it’s time to craft the questions and answers you’re going to include in your quiz and as you can imagine those tie straight back to your results.
Step no. 1
Create a spreadsheet. Title the first column “Question” then list each of your results in a separate column after that.
Step no. 2
In the first column start brainstorming questions.
There are five main types of questions when it comes to creating an addictive and accurate quiz and it’s best to sprinkle in a mix.
Type no. 1- Knowledge-based
For example:
👉🏽 What is the quickest way to [blank]?
👉🏽 Where is the best place to [blank]?
👉🏽Which [blank] have the highest [blank]?
Type no. 2 – Morality-based
For example:
👉🏽 Which personal motto would you get tattooed on your forward (if you had to, of course)?
👉🏽 What [blank] aligns most with the way you treat your [blank]?
👉🏽 Where would you [blank] all day, every day, if [blank] wasn’t a factor?
Type no. 3 – Reaction-Based
For example:
👉🏽 You get a [blank] from your largest client saying [blank] – how do you handle it?
👉🏽 You realize [blank] and don’t have a [blank] – what do you do?
👉🏽 You find extra [blank] in your [blank] – what is your immediate thought?
Type no. 4 – Preference-based
For example:
👉🏽 If I were a genie, no rubbing allowed involved, which wish would you make?
👉🏽 If you could take your [blank] to any [blank] which one would it be?
👉🏽If you woke up a [blank] which one would you be?
Type no.5 – Supply-based
For example:
👉🏽 How much time are you investing in your [blank] right now?
👉🏽 How many people do you need to[blank] in a [blank] to [blank]?
👉🏽 How much money can you afford to put into your [blank] right now?
Step no. 3
Narrow your list of questions down to your favorite 8-12.
There’s no hard and fast rule on how many questions are optimal for a quiz but that’s a good rule of thumb. What’s most important is that your questions are disruptive. In other words, not the same boring, stale shit they’ve heard 100 times before.
You really want to let your brand personality come out and play! You’re not just creating a quiz (you didn’t think that, right??!), you’re creating an experience – usually the first experience someone is having with your brand – so treat these questions like the digital first impression they are.
Step no. 4
Assign answers to each of your remaining questions under each of your results.
Now on to the answers… and I encourage you to have fun with these too.
What I did when I was putting our Brand Personality DNA Test is, list out every possible option I could think of as far as answers go and then circled back and assigned them to the archetype I believed they captured.
For instance, for my question “Which type of bar is your brand most likely to be caught hanging out at?”, I listed out every bar I could think of.
Cigar Bar
Juice Bar
Wine Bar
Yoga Bar
Sushi Bar
Coffee Bar
Sports Bar
Beauty bar
Karaoke bar
And on and on and on.
Then, I went through and started matching up the bars from my list with our 12 results (brand archetypes).
I rinsed and repeated this process for all 15 of the questions we landed on for our quiz and kept refining as needed until we thought we were a sliver past perfection
Here comes the tech!
Don’t worry, Interact makes it really easy and I’m going to walk you through the whole workflow with screenshots and everything.
Step no. 1
Login to your Interact account > click on “Quizzes” > then “Create New Quiz”.
Step no. 2
Choose whether you want to use one of their existing templates or you want to start from scratch.
Interact has a full bar when it comes to templates and they have them all nicely organized into 55 different topical categories, which span every market you can think of.
Under the name of each topic, they show you how many templates are available.
These aren’t just templates (that doesn’t really do them justice), they’re virtually done for you quizzes that are locked, loaded, and ready for you to “shuzh” and go.
They also have the option to build your quiz from scratch which is what I opted to do, since I’m a fancy, geeky, OCD-fueled designer and all. I kind have to start from scratch, it’s in my DNA to be that nit-picky and perfectionist.
If you choose this option you’ll then select the style of quiz you want to create and they tell you exactly which type works for what goal. Aaaah snap, good thing you know exactly what your goal is.
Tap some love on the style that fits your ultimate goal and boom the quiz builder dashboard will load right up.
Designing your cover page
The first thing you want to do is get the cover of your quiz all branded up. Think of this like it’s the digital doorbell to your quiz. You want it to capture the vibe of everything that’s to follow.
The elements you’ll need for your cover are:
👉🏽 Title for your quiz
👉🏽 Featured image (sized 1800 x 800)
👉🏽 One sentence quiz description
👉🏽 Button colors (which will come from your brand identity)
👉🏽 Button copy
Loading up your results
Creating your results includes creating a cover that looks just like the cover of your quiz, only these are for presenting your quiz taker with their result when they finish.
It includes the exact same elements:
Name of your result
👉🏽 Featured image (sized 1800 x 800px)
👉🏽 One sentence synopsis of their result
👉🏽 Button (you can link wherever you want).
Remember, this is the screen they will be shown after they give you your email address.
If you’ve opted to use one of Interact’s templates you will update the results and questions that they’ve already built out for you.
As you can see in the screenshot below each result is listed and clickable in the left-side menu. You will click each and update them by copying the name of your result in.
If you need to add another result you will click “+ Add Another Result” and so on for each additional result you have.
If you’ve opted to build your quiz from scratch you’ll follow the same process. Click “+ Add Another Result” to create each of your results.
Regardless of whether you chose a template or are building your quiz from scratch if you selected the Personality Style quiz you will have the option to show multiple results, instead of just one.
In that case, you’ll see a screen like the one you see above that has a settings menu where you can set how many results they see and how those results are styled.
Keep in mind if you choose this option you’ll still need to set up the individual result covers that I talked about earlier in this section because the results on this page are linked to those covers. If someone clicks on any of their results they will be taken to the cover page for that result.
You’re going to rinse and repeat this process for each of your results.
Loading up your questions
Next up, you’re going to add your questions.
If you chose one of Interact’s templates, once again there are questions already loaded in there that you can update.
If you’re building your template out from scratch you will click “+ Add Another Question” and rinse and repeat for each question.
For your questions you can choose from 1.) text answers, or 2.) image answers, which should be sized at 600 x 550px. The latter is what I chose for our Brand Personality DNA Test).
Pairing your answers with the right result
After you have all of your questions loaded into the quiz builder you’re going to circle back and assign your answers to the right result.
To do this you’ll click “Edit Results Correlations” option at the top of your question editor, which will open a new screen. On this screen, you’ll see your answers listed on the left and your results listed on the right. All you have to do is click each answer (and while it’s clicked) you’ll select the result it’s assigned to.
You’re going to rinse and repeat this process for each of your questions.
Hooking your quiz up to your email marketing provider
Now it’s time to link this bad boy up with your email software so you can turn your quiz into an automated lead generation machine.
Here’s how to do that:
Step no. 1
Setup your form
You’re going to select what information you want to collect and then set your form settings. Under these settings you have the option to let people skip the opt-in form and still get their results.
Interact suggests allowing people to skip the opt-in because it will greatly decrease the “tire kicker” kind of leads who are just opting in to get the results. I chose the skip-friendly option for our quiz because we can’t stand us a freebie-hunting lead.
In the settings, you can also link to your privacy policy and enable a GDPR consent checkbox.
The last thing you want to do in the forms menu is edit your actual form. You can update the call to action headline, the opt-in description, as well as the opt-in button color and text.
Once you have all of these settings dialed in you’ll click the “Save and Continue” button at the bottom of the screen.
Step no. 2
Integrate your email provider
In this menu all you have to do is choose your email marketing provider from their long list of options and as soon as you make your selection you’ll follow the instructions to add your account to Interact. Once that process is completed you’ll be taken to the next menu.
Step no. 3
Connect results to the actions you want taken in your email software
Now that you have your email provider connected, it’s time to tie each result in your quiz to the action you want taken in your email software.
Listed on the left side of this menu are each of your results. One by one, you’ll click the result, then “+ Add Action” to set up the actions you want taken.
We use Convertkit, so as you can see in the above screenshot, we have the option to add them to a specific sequence, a specific form, or have a specific field updated in our account.
What I did for our Brand Personality DNA Test is create a sequence for each of the 12 brand archetypes and then a rule for each where they are also tagged with that archetype in our system so we can target specific archetypes with specific content. Our goal is to have every person in our system tagged with their archetype so we can cater to them in more customized ways.
SIDE NOTE: You also have the option to create events around your lead’s answers. In other words, you can have them added to a specific automated sequence if they answer a specific question a certain way.
Let’s say you ask “If I were a genie, no rubbing involved, which wish would you make?” and they answer “Someone to write my sales page.” You could have everyone who opts-in and has chosen this answer added to a sequence that pitches your copywriting services – regardless of the actual result they got.
You can layer the actions you want taken across your quiz takers answers and results so you get everyone where you want them, tagged how you want them.
Once you’re done setting up all your email software actions you’ll click the “Save and Continue” button at the bottom of the page.
Step no. 4
Map the fields in your form to the fields in your email software
The last thing you need to do before you can take your brand new quiz for a test drive is map the fields you’re collecting in your opt-in form to fields in your email provider. Usually that consists of email and (optional) name.
One you’ve done this you’ll click the “Save and Continue” button at the bottom of the screen.
Step no. 5
Take your quiz for a test drive
Holy setup done! Everything is ready to go so it’s time to test this bad boy out.
Click the “Test Integration” button (which will open a pop-up menu). In this new menu you’ll click “Send Test Lead To My List” which will allow you to test out the actions you just setup and make sure everything is mapped out the way you want it.
Making your quiz shareable
In the left side menu in the main Interact dashboard there is an option called “Social Share Settings”, which is where you can optimize your quiz for social media.
Here you can tick whether the share buttons are displayed on your quiz as well as which platforms are included, what link you want the share to point back to, and what headline, image, and description is pulled in when someone does share their results.
Launching Your Quiz
Once you get everything mapped and double-checked it’s time to launch this baby out into the world and Interact makes that scary easy too.
First, you have to publish your quiz. To do this you’re going to click the grey “Publish” button in the top right corner of the screen. Once you click that you’ll see a new screen pop-up confirming that you want to publish your quiz.
Click “Publish Changes” and you’ll immediately be taken to a screen where you can choose how you want to promote your quiz.
Choose each option you want to use and follow the instructions. They make it click-by-click easy, which is one of the biggest reasons I sip on the Interact Kool-aid with pride. Tech shouldn’t be a barrier and they really get that!
We have our Brand Personality DNA Test embedded on a landing page on our site as well as an announcement bar on a couple of other pages. We don’t pass the direct link out much because we prefer to send them to our site – we want to capture the visitor with our ad pixels as we have future advertising (two words…warm audience) in our line of sight.
Leaning into your analytics
The nicest part is, after the initial setup, your quiz will really run itself. We pop into Interact’s analytics every week or so to check out our numbers, especially after we run any of our brand personality campaigns or pop-up bars, but other than that it’s almost entirely hands-off.
It’s nice to have a place to go to get a quick snapshot of our quiz conversions (starts, completes, and opt-ins) as well as see which of the archetypes (our results) is getting the most play. As we enter new markets it’s fun to see the sliding scale fluctuant as far as which one is dominating our audience at the moment. The following screenshot is a snapshot of our conversions from just the last 30 days!
It’s also nice to have all the amazing reporting capabilities included with the Interact quiz builder. We can look back, at any time, and see who answered what, and who got what result. We can even see stats on the percentage specific answers are getting and what conversions look like for specific results.
These analytics put Google’s to shame.
Final thoughts
There are a lot of tactics, strategies, and systems I wish I hadn’t wasted my time and money on but I can say without a sliver of BS… our quiz ain’t one of them!
Our Brand Personality DNA Test has netted us over 2,700 leads in just the last 9 months and that’s with barely sharing it on our socials and without spending a cent on advertising.
We aren’t fans of having 19 opt-in offers and jugging countless funnels. We prefer to have a hand full of carefully crafted offers that are straight-up irresistible and we’re grateful we can include our Interact quiz in that exclusive club.
If you’re looking for an opt-in offer that takes less than a day to set up, while paying off up to ten-fold more than any PDF you could create, we hope you seriously consider making that your very own interactive quiz.
To the amazing team over at Interact. You rock our (and our audiences) world’s on the daily and we can’t thank you enough for that! 🥳💃🏽🍾
P.S. Interact is an affiliate link, which means we get a little pot of gold at the end of your checkout rainbow. BUT, rest easy because our ethics are NOT for sale! We’re only sharing this quiz building software with you because we use it, love it, and know it’ll list building and lead generation on fire!