The only psychology-backed, personality-fueled, solopreneur-approved system for drowning your list in kindreds, your bank account in boners, and your inbox in love notes, in as little as 60 days
straight talk
You’re a fuckstrated solopreneur looking to close more customers with less grief.
You want to create delightfully-hypnotizing, emotionally-gripping, highly-contagious offers that sizzle more senses, spawn more sales, and shatter more ceilings.
You want more customers who blur the line between sale and soul sistah (or mistah).
You know getting kindreds swarming your checkout buttons takes a legendary offer but…where do you start when you’re not a sales whisperer (and can’t even convince your kids to clean their rooms)?
You’re knee-deep juggling blog posts and social media - staring down the barrel of a 12-mile long to do list of busy work, FRUSTRATED that you’re wasting time on mundane daily tasks while a list of bright new ideas sits idle in your noggin'.
You’re plagued with constant bank account anxiety spikes that have you waking up in cold sweats and walking around all day in a stress-induced coma, terrified of having another panic attack.
You’re hanging out in free FB groups with other equally lost and unremarkable solos (who are looking at you with profit-colored beer goggles on) wondering how the fuck this is suppose to get you anywhere but the insane asylum.
You’re second-guessing, not-knowing, and half-assing your way through your business, ready to hurl your laptop across the room because the damn thing just sits there and mocks you - all judgey, all day!
All you reeeeeally want is to turn your brain matter into a cashflow amusement park.
(So you Google harder and follow the gurus like gospel)
You’re posting on social media, morning, noon, and sometimes all night (because insomnia-induced anxiety, helllllo!), sharing and commenting like the world’s oxygen supply depends on it.
You’re tinkering with your website and welcome sequence every single week, implementing new tactics, skeptically hoping this is going to be the one that finally gets you the recognition you deserve.
You’re buying courses, niching down, building a customer avatar, fasting, manifesting, time blocking, hopping around on one leg for 30 mins a day - you’ve tried it all - and still a big fat broken glass sandwich of NOTHIN’!
Most of the advice you’ve gotten doesn’t even pass the scratch and sniff test, let alone connect the dots.
gazing AT THIS SCREEN...
Wondering how the hell all those solopreneurs with the golden touch do it.
Wondering what it’s going to take to drown your list in kindreds, back account in boners, and inbox in love notes. (You’re all ears! Really, WHAT is it going to take?! *waving your fists*)
Is it even possible? Feasible? Foreseeable?...
...Is it YOU?
You wonder yourself ragged about that some days.
(Dre, please tell me it’s not me!)
TO Your Days playing in the lemonade
stand league
No more watching the action with envy from the sidelines in your lawn chair.
…the need to blow your savings + sanity while spending months creating a product and figuring out how to sell it (before you realize no one actually wants it).
…the issue of being a complete unknown, entering an overly saturated market with a laundry list of things going against you - like no clients, connections, or credibility.
…the enigma that is starting from scratch every time you want to sell something.
It literally takes you from
HELPLESS + unknown
hypnotizing + ungoogleable


A 5-part system for creating sales offers that drown your list in kindreds, your bank account in boners, and your inbox in love notes, in as little as 60 days, without selling your soul, losing your mind, or giving up your guilty pleasures.
The batshit crazy, badass BROAD behind the system
(And why I know my shit)

Hey, hey, heeeeey!
I’m Dre Beltrami, founder of The Branded Solopreneur and I help mere mortals, (yup, just like YOU) become legendary brands.
I’m a Solopreneur - a one woman show, writer, designer, accountant, janitor, ass-wiper, shit-kicker, hype-woman, wing-woman. If it happens in my kingdom it’s got my blood, sweat, and tears all over it.
I’m an influencer - just the other day I talked my 2 yr. old out of throwing his Mac 'n Cheese on the floor and into eating it instead.
I’m a weirdo - a wine-guzzling, Jedi-crafty, straight-talking human behavior nut with a rebelliously relatable attitude who cares as hard as she curses and shares as hard as she listens.
I’m a lot of things! A rare onion that’s meant to be peeled.
I’m also someone who knows how to win buyers over in record time using a psychology-approved, personality-backed system.
I've worked with hundreds of solos from all walks of life and all corners of the world who I've taken from frazzled AF with visions of failure dancing in their heads to confidently wielding their personality and closing kindred clients by the handfuls all because I know human psychology better than most know their kids and I teach a proven system.
I heard that snicker!
You're thinking...
Slow your roll Lady BeReal, I’m not your typical case so I doubt this is going to work for me because I’m 20 shades of unlikeable with a personality only a mother (and really loyal life-long friends) could love.
If it was really that easy we’d all have income sheets full of kindred customers that are blowing up our bank accounts.
How is your system different than every launch program on the market right now?
Here's how
clicks to kindreds
Clicks to Kindreds
By the time you finish
Clicks to Kindreds
you're going to have your...
All backed by three
pink promises...
And an
30 day money back guarantee...
I’m so confident that you can create delightfully-hypnotizing, emotionally-gripping, highly-contagious offers with my system that I’m extending my ironclad, woman of my word, try-it-out-and-see guarantee.
Check out Clicks to Kindreds for 30 days, devour the system, access all the training, templates, and triumphant graduates who have come before you. If you don’t agree that this is THE answer to your subzero status just shoot me an email and I'll refund every penny you paid for the program back into your account.
I won’t ask you to show me your work, chastise you for not hustling enough, or go all 'holier than thou' and shame you up and down for not wanting to stick with it.
You really have no risk here, it's just a matter of whether you want to feed those haters in your head OR that fire in your belly. If it’s the latter, I promise to fan those flames, baby!
Get the system that'll
sizzle more senses,
spawn more sales, and shatter more ceilings
this year and beyond!

Will Clicks to Kindreds work for me?
I wish I could categorically guarantee you that C2K will work for you…but I can’t because I don’t know what you’re going to do with this program once you buy it. Maybe you'll file it in a favorites folder and never login again – it happens. I can tell you this, my system works IF you do the work!
IF you throat punch your fears, commit to and complete the training, and take advantage of the unfettered support and guidance (from me and a slew of other legendary brands) offered, you WILL end up with a product suite of hypnotizing offers. It's that simple.
Will C2K work for me if I am bubblegumologist, stripper pole instructor, or [insert unusual occupation]?
The psychology of hypnotic offers works in every industry and on any size business (even product-based businesses) because it’s based on HUMAN behavior. So, as long as you’re selling to humans the system will work. Although if you are a stripper pole instructor, perhaps you can teach ME a few things….you know for research purposes. Bow-chicka-bow-wow!
Will I have lifetime access to Clicks to Kindreds?
You bet your badass you will! As soon as you checkout you’ll have instant access to the entire program and that access will be yours to keep for the lifetime of the program. Once you're in the C2K crew, you're family for life!
When does Clicks to Kindreds start and finish?
You decide when you start and finish! You’ll have access to all of the training, templates, and triumphant graduates who have already been through the program (and are here to help), immediately after you enroll so you can get started right away and go through the program at your pace. It’s been designed to be done in as little as 60 days but that’s up to you.
Is there a private Facebook group for Clicks to Kindreds?
There sure is! You’ll get an invite to our private support lounge right after you enroll. Our community will be a source of new friends and fierce allies so come often and stay as long as you like. I don’t want you to miss out on any of the unwavering support and impromptu perks going down in there.
I pop in at least once a day (Monday-Friday) to personally respond to each and every post + I schedule LIVE face-to-face brain bumps where you can pick my brain and get answers to your specific situations.
Why is this program priced so low?
Because my generosity is as big as my personality AND because I love you (even if my resting bitch-face says otherwise)! All joking aside, my personal big picture goal is to see solopreneurs rule the fucking world! Making this program affordable is the best way I know how to work towards that world I see when I let myself dream.
How can I pay for my master key to Clicks to Kindreds?
You can pay via all major credit cards, as well as, PayPal. If you decide to enroll in the Clicks to Kindreds payment plan, the second payment will trigger 30 days after the original and so forth until you've paid in full.
After I enroll, what happens next?
After you've enrolled you'll receive an email from Teachable with a link to the C2K learning hub along with your login credentials + you’ll get an email from me with other “need to knows”, as well as, an invite to our private student support lounge.
What if I find that Clicks to Kindreds isn't for me, can I get a refund?
Yup, I got you! This program comes with my iron-clad, woman of my word, try-it-out-and-see guarantee!
You have 30 days to devour the system, access all the training, templates, and triumphant graduates who have come before you. If you don’t agree that this is THE answer to your sad sack status just shoot me an email and I'll refund every penny you paid for the program back into your account.
I won’t ask you to show me your work, chastise you for not hustling enough, or go all 'holier than thou' and shame you up and down for not wanting to stick with it.
I still have questions or need more info to make sure Clicks to Kindreds is right for me, how can I get a hold of you?
I want you to have all the 411 you need to be sure C2K is a perfect match (so sure you can feel it in your bones, thank you very much) so email me at andrea@thebrandedsolopreneur.com with all your burning questions and nagging concerns and I pinky promise I’ll lob BS-free, honest AF answers that'll help you figure it out.
Total value = $11,134
Your investment: $995
(before the timer hits zero)
Earnings Disclaimer
Every effort has been made to accurately represent this product and its potential. There is no guarantee that you will earn any money using the techniques and ideas in these materials. Examples in these materials are not to be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of earnings. Earning potential is entirely dependent on the person using our product, ideas, and techniques. We do not position this product as a “get rich scheme.” Your level of success in attaining the results claimed in our materials depends on the time you devote to the program, ideas, and techniques mentioned, your finances, knowledge, and various skills. Since these factors differ according to individuals, we cannot guarantee your success or income level. Nor are we responsible for any of your actions.
Materials in our product and our website may contain information that includes or is based upon forward-looking statements within the meaning of the securities litigation reform act of 1995. Forward-looking statements give our expectations or forecasts of future events. You can identify these statements by the fact that they do not relate strictly to historical or current facts. They use words such as “anticipate,” “estimate,” “expect,” “project,” “intend,” “plan,” “believe,” and other words and terms of similar meaning in connection with a description of potential earnings or financial performance. Any and all forward-looking statements here or on any of our sales material are intended to express our opinion of earnings potential. Many factors will be important in determining your actual results and no guarantees are made that you will achieve results similar to ours or anybody else’s, in fact, no guarantees are made that you will achieve any results from our ideas and techniques in our material.